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Application for Admin - Printable Version

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Application for Admin - Madfecker - 11-05-2018


Is there a formal process for admin applications? If not, I hope this post will suffice.

I've been playing on the Veteran TDM server for quite a few months now and would like to ask if I may join the admin team. I've been an admin on CoD2 for a total of 9yrs firstly in a - now defunct - clan and then on my own server (sadly, very quiet now!). I use the following player names:
  • Madfecker (main name)
  • Chris P Bacon
  • Amin Yashed
  • Shadaap Yakuunt
  • Biffa Bacon
  • Tangletits
Real name: Steve
Country: UK
Age: Older and wiser than I used to be!

I'm happy to donate each month.

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

RE: Application for Admin - KcLionxXxxx - 11-05-2018

Hopefully your application will be taken seriously! You're good player, and got a good eye for cheaters, so I see no reason as to why you wouldn't get it.

But since it's not me giving Rcon, I'm not promising anything other than talk about it with Player X, if he doesn't see this post.

RE: Application for Admin - Madfecker - 11-05-2018

(11-05-2018, 16:30 )KcLionxXxxx Wrote: Hopefully your application will be taken seriously! You're good player, and got a good eye for cheaters, so I see no reason as to why you wouldn't get it.

But since it's not me giving Rcon, I'm not promising anything other than talk about it with Player X, if he doesn't see this post.

Thanks Lion!

Btw, are you in the UK?

RE: Application for Admin - KcLionxXxxx - 12-05-2018

Ireland, so basically next door.

RE: Application for Admin - Shasuby #24 - 12-05-2018

not familiar with those nicks. we''ll think about it.

RE: Application for Admin - Crox3 - 12-05-2018

Big Grin Big Grin  Huh

RE: Application for Admin - Madfecker - 18-05-2018


Do any senior staff monitor these boards?

RE: Application for Admin - Player X - 19-05-2018


RE: Application for Admin - Madfecker - 22-05-2018

Should I take it by the lack of communication that the application is denied?

RE: Application for Admin - Madfecker - 24-05-2018

Clearly, the senior clan members aren't big on communication.

I'll take it that you're not interested in my application as no-one has bothered to tell me one way or another.

RE: Application for Admin - Player X - 05-06-2018

You are using 6 nicknames and expect to recive rcon from admins.

This is crazy. How will anybody remeber you and your skill in game with your 6 nicknames.

Stick with one nick, maybe then shasuby will see how you play and then he will give you the answer.

Tangletits 1 h played on TDM serever

=UK=Biffa Bacon 1.45 h played on TDM serever

Shadap Yakuunt  4.25 h played on TDM serever

Amin Yashed 15.62 h played on TDM serever

Chris P Bacon 26.88 h played on TDM serever

=UK=Biffa Bacon 1.45 h played on TDM serever

RE: Application for Admin - Madfecker - 05-06-2018

Thank you, Player X but as I mentioned in my PM to you, if it's all about names and not about reputation or ability, I think I'll give it a miss.

RE: Application for Admin - coonfus - 11-11-2024

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