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Was kicked by one rcon admin. - Printable Version

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Was kicked by one rcon admin. - butcher10 - 06-09-2018

Hi all,

I was kicked, although I did not cheat, play 1 year on various servers from veteran, not only I was kicked, but also other players for no reason, as I could see were kicked by the same admin person, I mean the admin person is called bacon, the main admin should watch him better. He messed up the whole game. Dodgy


a veteran fan Smile

RE: Was kicked by one rcon admin. - Madfecker - 06-09-2018

My in-game name is Chris P Bacon but I'm afraid you must be mistaken. I played a few rounds today but did not kick anyone. When I do kick people, it's for a reason.

What's your player name? I certainly don't recall anyone with your name being in the server at the same time as me.

When you were kicked, did you re-enter the server and ask who kicked you and why?

Edited to add: I did see two players kicked today and I know by whom and why. A player called Kiscosij or some such and a chap called Re-live. Both for a valid reason as far as I could see.

Which one are you?

RE: Was kicked by one rcon admin. - butcher10 - 07-09-2018

This treat has not been opened by me so they can justify themselves, but this treat intends to warn other players who have been unjustifiably kicked and as a complaint.
I've been watching them for a while now, they and two more rcon admins from this server.
As soon as a player seems to be better than someone from your admin group, he will be kicked, but those who belong in your admin group will not be kicked, as soon as any player (also noobs) thinks someone is cheating in the game, the player is kicked without the admin himself checking that it's true, I have often observed that, Furthermore, the already kicked player he becomes insult and the admins do nothing about it, offend even with.
He main admin should take a closer look at his rcon admins, what kind of people he gives this rcon pw, unfortunately we can not do anything as a victim of unjustified kicks, except to play at times where the specific admins are not on the server, which we already have do.
I criticize you and the two other admins (I say now, no names) without a evidence or only by assumptions, to kick players, excluded where you can see the aimbot is used, that can also see one who has no game experience.

PS: They continue to be under strict observation.

So think about your approach. Exclamation

RE: Was kicked by one rcon admin. - Madfecker - 08-09-2018

You have named me but refuse to disclose who you or other admins are. That damages your credibility from the start.

I can only assume that your player name is Re-Live (aka Virtual Truth) otherwise if you weren't, you'd have had no hesitation in telling us your real playername. I DO know that you have a beef with me personally because I've kicked you in the past for using a WH and for insulting me. A large number of Veteran admins have seen you using a WH and to keep an open mind, I have specced you on numerous occasions and have arrived at the same conclusion. You exhibit all the traits of someone using a WH and that's why you get kicked by me and other admins.

However, on the day you mentioned in your first post, I hadn't kicked you. As I've said, I know who it was and the reason was as I've just outlined. I DID suggest to you that insulting the admin who kicked you was a certain way to get kicked again. Sadly, you didn't heed my advice.

I very much doubt that your attempt on this thread to stir people up, will succeed.

RE: Was kicked by one rcon admin. - Tov - 08-09-2018

yes all the problem of these players cheats, toxic, bad faith, who are not permban on this server - these players who moaning challenge, create controversy ... these players that I do not even speculate so much they are rotten - others who are protected and know or challenge "the boss" - if the work was done until the end these shits would finally permban - on this server I give in time and money, it is not for a professional cheater teaches me to do my job - go play elsewhere cheater band, you are banned permanently from cod2 on all serious servers except veteran

marre de tous ces enmerdeurs,


RE: Was kicked by one rcon admin. - butcher10 - 08-09-2018

I´m not Re-Live,Virtualtruth or Kiscosij player. I only said facts, what's going on, concerns the TDM and rifle server too.
my player name is irrelevant, I'm just saying that I played regularly for over a year, but your admins are miserable and a shame for the game, as already described above.


RE: Was kicked by one rcon admin. - Tov - 08-09-2018

I did not see you on the server. So I have nothing to say ... yet I'm part of the admis ... so as you have a lot to say about them, I'm talking about you like all cheaters, toxic people and other pests that rot this server. When you are an adult capable of discernment I will treat you like that while waiting impotent and irresponsible teenagers, feed up


RE: Was kicked by one rcon admin. - Crox3 - 03-10-2018

(08-09-2018, 20:58 )Tov Wrote: I did not see you on the server. So I have nothing to say ... yet I'm part of the admis ... so as you have a lot to say about them, I'm talking about you like all cheaters, toxic people and other pests that rot this server. When you are an adult capable of discernment I will treat you like that while waiting impotent and irresponsible teenagers, feed up


  i love Tov Heart

RE: Was kicked by one rcon admin. - kamikaze - 04-10-2018

(08-09-2018, 18:37 )butcher10 Wrote: Nem vagyok Re-Live, a Virtualtruth vagy a Kiscosij lejátszó. Csak azt mondtam, hogy mi történik, a TDM-t és a puskapitót is érinti.
a játékosom neve nem releváns, csak azt mondom, hogy rendszeresen játszottam több mint egy éven át, de az adminisztrátorok szánalmasak és szégyentek a játékért, amint azt korábban már említettük.


(07-09-2018, 16:26 )Hentes10 Wrote: : álmos: Sad I'm sorry, but your comment is not good! here every admin who has been playing for years has started cod2, for example: pl: crox3 & kamikaze!!they have known each other for a long time and play with each other !!but the springs on the server are not because someone is better !!there may be another reason for the throwing !!such as = server jump-- nasty speech on admin - blocking players etc etc not waste your irresponsibility! We play for 14 years and know what to do!! thx bye!!