Many players think like us mr67, the problem is that as in really life, they have afraid to expose theirs convincions and thougths, because know that later ingame gona be object of all kind of provocations, accusations, althougth hard names.
The problem is so big and is increasing day after day, because that players that don't like us, see the behave of some adm and begun to act like them because they know that don't gona be kicked because adm also don't like us. I had already problems with some players, become talking in Modrick's language with adm, I already trasnlate It, and is not good to see. ex: Dankomir, that put this nick ingame: dankomirthunderisgay. OFC many other hard names ingame.......
1 - Now I ask: are we the problems? I never ofended no one, only after they call me names I respond in same way.
2 - Am I cheat? Never did, I don't understand and don't want understand like to do It! Even in config I can't change withouth make mess :/
3 - Want proofs that we don't cheat? We gave all that they want, want others diferent ask, althougth I think that are them that need to proof that we cheat (what I would like punkbuster was working

, NEVER in 10 years I was kicked or banned acused for others of cheat!
4 - They don't want good players in server, only noobs and youngers one!