One more time I was acused, now by NationalGhost, I don't need explain nothing, but I like the things in the rigth place, and the place to talk is here not ingame, to begin:
After some days without motivaion to play because sistematic I was acused, banned, target of provocation, insults etc.... I wanted to stop play I play for fun, if not had It I went out. Also I am being problems in my arms that limit my movimentation, now that I am a little better, and because I missed of fun I come back.
I played few maps, and mabe in second or other next NATIONALGHOST said: again wh Thunder.
To clarify you NATIONALGHOST:
1- Last times that I play in server, I prefer play bad to not have problems, I want be fun, I don't care if I loose or win, I want to have fun with my friends of long years that play here, many times I even didn't shot to enemies to see if some palyers like you could let me in peace.
2- Begun to have problems in my rigth arm, I could push and didn't wanted also.
3- first time that I apeared and play better (yes better, because I am a good player, I don't gona be demagogic, I am a good player and ofc sometimes I like to be myself and try bit myself, I was accused, worst, National said: I know you cheat.
4 - If you know I'm cheat, I think is better you google a litlle, spect players, learn the maps and learn the best sides to go, and read what is be a adm.
You don't know nothing, and when you say that you know that I'm cheating, you are give a shoot in yourself and show that you can't destingue a good player of a cheater
5- I don't want problems want have fun, calling me cheater is a insult, you don't have in server any man so honest, fair like me, yes I am a man don't a kid, so don't treat me like one.
Finally don't need answered, I don't gona respond, this was only a clarification post.
See all win minute 47:21