Junior Member
May 2018
35 Posts
Threads: 4
(03-06-2018, 16:34 )Fear Wrote: (03-06-2018, 11:36 )Madfecker Wrote: (02-06-2018, 21:44 )Player X Wrote: I ll make list for the admins for all server in next 1-2 days.
That's fine but unless the players know that such a list exists, it won't do much for them. Do you have a link to this forum on your splash screen which players can see when they join the server?
By the way, I completely acknowledge that this is your server (I believe?) and you run it as you see fit but may I say that communication is sadly lacking. Both Tov and I (and no doubt many others) have applied to be admin but we weren't even granted an answer as a simple courtesy.
That's not being very respectful to your players.
I agree whit Madfecker exhange of info is abit slow,hope it will improve in the learning process
Fear good we feel that there are many questions but also a lot of interest for this server that finally takes the bases (well I think) of a good server cod2 ... we are probably much to want to invest. when I donate I do not buy, I participate ... so I want to play in good conditions ... when I ask to be admi, I wish to participate in this balance, that's all, our ages (for some) that's enough - I know from experience that a server can shine but it can go out very quickly ... and indeed I prefer to be told no rather than shit. You ask for volunteers for tdm and indeed there is need, you ask for funding for a secure server, we are certain to moblize and ...nothing , sorry but when we are old , we are rough ... and my tohompson si hungry to kill you muhahahahahha